new music Bootlegs & Previews

Hello SugarLips, u ready 4 the weekend?
I'll get you ready.

This is what's new.  A fat post full of bootlegs and previews...
Add them to your sets or just show off cause ur playing them firsties.  

Peace & Love.
don't forget to spread love by using the share buttons.

Hesta Prynn - Turn It Gold (Derek Allen Remix)

D.I.M. - Is You (Le Castle Vania Remix)

Pierce Fulton-Select & Operate (Original Mix)

DeadMau5 - Sofi Needs a Ladder Vs Doing It Right - RASCAL Bootleg

Beautiful People (Joe Fresh Remix)

Adele - Rolling in the Deep (Team Wing Bootleg)

Sohight - Feel It EP (Preview Mix)

Rocky Loves Emily by TWERKSHOP

What did you think of these new singles? Is there one in particular that you're excited to play again?